Q: Why the " Gamma-7 " devices are considered to be better than other protection devices on the market?
A: The uniqueness of protection devices of the Moscow Center for Informatics "Gamma-7" is in the fact that it is a FRUIT OF A FUNDAMENTAL science that more than 30 years worked under the protection of a thin electronic equipment in space and in air defense control centers on earth.
Having successfully decided their task even in the 70-ies of the last century, in the 90-ies it was forced to enter the market, as many enterprises of the military-industrial complex in difficult times of conversion. Thus, the backroom of the academician Okhatrin, a physicist of worldwide reputation, in 1995 offered the world the goods, necessity in which at that time was not quite obvious for a lot of people. But with the proliferation of computers, microwave ovens and mobile phones, the necessity increased rapidly.
This invention was so pioneering that rationing of the parameters for the certification, including for the future protective devices that will be available on the market only in 10 years after the "Gamma-7" devices was carried out on the basis of the tests, conducted by the various organizations, such as:
- the All-Russian Center for Medicine of Catastrophes "Protection",
- the International Academy of Ecology,
- the St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene,
- the Medical and Biological Administration of Research Institute "Binar",
- the Medical and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of Russia,
- the First Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and many others.
In 1999, the Second International Conference on Electromagnetic Safety was held. At this Conference the theme of the thin physical fields' protection by means of the "Gamma-7" devices was represented by six reports. The Moscow Center for Informatics "Gamma-7" has received an international recognition.
The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Scientific Center of RF Institute of biophysics, Center of Electromagnetic Safety were the conveners of this conference.
The representatives of the NATO Scientific Committee, the USAF Research Laboratory, the US Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the World Health Organization and others were the members of the scientific program committee. In 2003, the International Certificate, the Patent of Spain, the European Patent, and the Patent of Germany for the "Gamma-7" devices were received.
In 2004, the conclusion with a positive assessment of the protective effect of "Gamma-7" products was obtained. This conclusion was made by the International Society for the Electrosmog Exploration and was signed by the representatives of nine European countries. The "Gamma-7" devices, which were created on the basis of the nanotechnology, have the best quality-price ratio, as well as the maximum prescribed by GOST warranty period of 10 years.
The "Gamma-7" devices passed serious clinical trials. It can be confirmed by the relevant documents. All of this and much more favorably distinguish them from other protection devices that have emerged today on the market. That is why the purchases of the "Gamma-7" devices" are made at the national level in Spain, Japan and for the Berlin Cancer Center.