Price: 170 EUR


GAMMA-7. N  


Neutralizer “Gamma-7.N” is intended for human protection against harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation of technical devices and household apparatus.

Neutralizer prevents a breach of the human biological field under external influences.

Neutralizer consists of the multicoiled precious metals spiral which is placed into the plaxtic box.

Neutralizer is a broadband converter of super weak (“thin”) physical fields which accompany necessary radiation and have extremely harmful action on the human biological field. In normal state, i.e. when there are no sources of such fields, Neutralizer is in low functional status. When there a source of such harmful radiation (for example working PC-monitor) appears the Neutralizer automatically switches over to the full acting status producing secondary radiation. This is equal to harmful source radiation but in contra phase.

As a result of superposition of said two radiations – source one and secondary one – take place mutual neutralization and the result radiation level is less than human biological field sensitivity.

In the presence of Neutralizer a man doesn’t suffer under an influence of the technical apparatus radiation. For human ptotection against technical apparatus radiation it is necessary to swetch Neutralizer is active status. For this “O-card” have to be removed from Neutralizer for at least at the distance of 1 meter.

For human protection against harmful radiation from a device it is necessary to put Neutralizer directly near the device (not more than 30 cm) or within the device compartment.

Coefficient of decrease of harmful radiation


Radius of action, cm


Dimentions, mm*mm*mm


Weight not more than, g


Service life, years



Neutralizer is also completed with a Reflecting Element which determines the direction of converted rays and increases the protection effect.

What does Neutralizer "Gamma-7.N" protect from?

1. Cosmopathogenic impact.

These are magnetic storms, during which the amount of strokes and heart attacks increases in 2-2,5 times. It was established that those hypertensive patients who use Neutralizer "Gamma-7.N" are not subjected to the magnetic storms influence. It is recommended to wear this device next to the skin.

2. Anthropogenic impact.

Radiation from electrotechnical units and devices is considered the greatest danger for people's health. For example, changes in blood and urine content of a 10-year old child appear after 15 minutes of work with the computer; of a 16-year-old teenager- after half an hour; of an adult - after 2 hours of work with the computer. These changes approximate the blood content to the blood content of an oncological patient. Though after the end of the work, the blood content normalizes, unfavorable effects accumulate. American researchers found out that those people who constantly work with computer are subjected to oncological diseases in 10-15 times more often. Pregnant women have inclination to spontaneous abortion and to the birth of sick children, children have inclination to leukemia. Use of laptops does not protect from fine physical component (FP) of EMR of computer. Experiments on animals show that such impacts transfer through 2-3 generations. Neutralizer "Gamma-7.N" protects securely from harmful radiation. For this purpose it is placed in front of the computer (TV set, microwave oven and etc.) or it is put into the pocket. The implementation of Neutralizer is especially useful for pregnant women. In this case, according to the data of ultrasonic doppler sonography, the fetus blood flow considerably improves. Newborn children have good health and grow more quickly than the children of the same age.

3. Geopathogenic impact.

Negative impact of underground voids, "sinister" places, geological faults, former dumps and intersections (of knots) of Khartman-Kuri`s net located in people's dwellings leads to different diseases. In 1984 in Austria, some selective investigations were carried out. They showed that oncological, vascular diseases, nervous disorders and mental diseases in all examined patients (11000 people) were caused by the fact that places for sleeping were in the radius of geopathogenic zones (GPZ) action, but "... there are "+"- GPZ almost near every place for sleeping of oncological patient". Neutralizer "Gamma-7.N" protects from GPZ impact.

4. Sociopathogenic impact.

This is the impact of those people who can have an influence on other people. Psychophysiological health disorders can be a result of such an impact. Neutralizer "Gamma-7.N" protects from such an impact, and in many cases from hypnosis.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of Neutralizer "Gamma-7.N". This device protects people both from fields of chemical elements and from radioactive substances, especially in food. You just need to put it on your food for 10-15 minutes to secure yourselves against toxins. The restructuring of molecules takes place, the structure of substances changes, the toxin field charge sign changes. As a result of this they do not enter into biochemical reactions in organism and go away easily.
Influence on life span

During the experiments on animals, mice under the protection of Neutralizer "Gamma-7.N" lived 5 times longer than those from the control group. Its influence on people is not known yet as this device has been used by a large group of people just for about 10 years. But the prognosis is positive and hopeful. The positive impact of Neutralizer on the work of pineal body, responsible for the generating of youth hormone (melatonin) was established. 


For switch off Neutralizer put it in the packing box with “0-card”.

  Patent purity of innovations

Neutralizer "Gamma-7.N" and activator "Gamma-7.A" are defended by the Patents of Russian Federation # 2074747and # 2109530, by the Patent of Spain # 200200993(1051791), by European Patent # 0838208 and by the Patent of Germany # 69632134.3-08 

It is made in accordance with standard specifications 9453-005-13151858-02.


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