Removes weariness, fatigue, charges the body with energy, strengthens protective functions of the body, improves blood circulation, removes pains, improves visual acuity, restores exchange processes in an organism, Normalizes functioning of a bone structure, removes weariness and pains in joints, normalises function of the sexual system, eliminates hormonal infringements leading to accumulation of excessive weight. Will neutralise action of constant vibrations from the car.
Course of treatment by device of electromagnetic therapy "DETA-RITM":
Perform a 3 week course, using all 7 programs every day. Then one program each day as a preventive measure.
The interval between application of programs should not be less than an hour unless additional instructions are provided!
The limit per day is no more than 6 programs (Exceptions: 'Body detox'' can be used as the 7th program, Special complexes that include more than 6 programs.)
7am - 9am - “Energy program” [7]
10 am - 12am - "Headache" [2]
12pm - 1pm - “Removal of mental exhaustion” [4]
1pm - 2pm - “Antivibration [1]
2pm - 4pm - “Back fatigue” [6]
4pm - 6pm - “Strengthening of protective functions of the body” [5]
6pm - 8pm - “Removal of eye weariness“ [3]
Main problem-related programs:
[1]. Antivibration
[2]. Headache
[3]. Removal of eye weariness
[4]. Removal of mental exhaustion
[5]. Strengthening of protective functions of the body
[6]. Back fatigue
[7]. Energy program
[8]. Active protection
[9]. Regulation of gastrointestinal tract.
[10]. Antistress(Sleeping disorder)
[11]. Cold
[12]. Regulation of male urinogenital system.
[13]. Regulation of female urinogenital system.
[14]. Body detox
[15]. Swelling, gripes, repletion
[9]. “Anti-pain” - if deemed necessary, the procedure is performed every day, until the pains have disappeared, maintaing a one hour interval between programs
[10]. “Removal of eye weariness” - removes spasms of small blood vessels in eye muscles, pain in eyes and headache. Applied, if deemed necesseary, every day for 5 days. The program is performed before sleep - 9pm - 11pm the device should be placed under a pillow.
[11]. “Traumas, rehabilitation” - makes анальгетический effect, at pains of various genesis, removes inflammation, eliminates consequences of a contusion, hemorrhages, removes hypostases, bone merging after fractures, regeneration of an intervertebral disc, restores elasticity of muscles after traumas, removes spasms. When a trauma is incurred, the basic program complex is carried out, but with a replacement of [5] with [11]. The device is placed next to the trauma spot.
[12]. “Energy recharge” - Biofield restoration. Mornings 8 am — 10 am.
[13]. “Back fatigue” - The universal program for backbone treatment. For the purpose of treatment, apply the basic programs replacing num. 5 with num. 13. A course for 15 days with a 4 days break.
[14]. “Centre of concetration” - Program is set as a preventive measure once a week, in the morning 8am - 10am
[15]. - When first signs are occuring, it is necessary to apply this program in the morning and in the evening. During the winter season the program may be applied once a week for the purpose of preventive maintenance.
1. Pregnancy
2. Acute decompensated heart failure.
3. Pulmonary fibrosis with a disposition to hemorrhages
4. Myocardial infarction dating to at least two months old
5. Presence of an implanted organ
6. Congenital defects of the central nervous system