Medical device "DETA" is designed for therapeutic effects on the human body designed to treat male problems related to unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy working conditions. The complex treatment programs of electromagnetic therapy (low-energy electromagnetic radiation exposure) is designed to regulate the body recovery of human organs and systems. Set of programs allows you to smoothly and safely restore the genitourinary system.
The device "DETA" allows you to conduct therapy of various diseases associated with impotence in a specially designed instrument for this program. Each program is designed to treat a specific problem. Methodology for treatment programs is simple, affordable and requires no special training for the user.
High therapeutic effect is achieved by means of effects on the electromagnetic therapy with high precision frequency setting. The device operates at frequencies from 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz.
Therapy is carried out by individual sessions that make up a course of treatment. Session - this is a one-time therapeutic effect, for which you want to make an impact on the body. The cycle - two days to seven sessions per day, following one another every day.
Men's sexual problems and their solutions
Throughout most of the century, conducted among the population, polls showed a list of stress related to marriage, led by money. Pollsters simply ask people about sex, but the respondents themselves did not give such information. When the list began to include sexual problems, money problems receded into the background. Even among the happily married couples about 50% of men mentioned about any sexual difficulties (among women was even more satisfied with less - about 25%).
Contrary to the belief of some men, sex is not as necessary to maintain health. Ascetics, abstaining on pursued a philosophical or religious reasons, do not suffer ill-health, not just harm the rejection of good food or physical comfort. On the other hand, being one of the pleasures of life, full sex promotes good emotional mood of those who escapes the earthly pleasures. Sexual dysfunction often causes people a lot of unnecessary suffering - unnecessary because there are many quite good ways of their correction of these disorders.
In the early 60's experts agreed that 90% of impotent men experiencing emotional difficulties. Older practitioners general usually administered to such patients an injection of testosterone, which, apparently, to no avail. Younger and well-trained therapists looked at this practice as a sort of witchcraft and sent their patients for physiotherapy, which also did not help.
In the mid-70's doctors began to identify more purely physical causes of impotence, but 10 years ago with this trouble started slowly to deal with. Now experts are convinced that in most cases of impotence are purely organic (ie non-psychological) causes. Some of these patients are treated by family doctors, most of the rest fall into the hands of urologists.
How to avoid problems the aging male?
The problems associated with aging and the so-called andropause, is interested not only men but also their companions, the newspaper said, "confidentiality". Unlike menopause, andropause does not imply the termination of the testicle, as it is known that a man can become a father almost to the last days of his life. There are literally Andropause - is an endocrine disorder, but in fact this term refer to a combination of several phenomena.
Symptoms of andropause are similar to those that occur in women during menopause. In the body there are also complex hormonal changes. Marked decline in male hormone testosterone, changes of gonadotrophin, but also increases the amount of protein, which reduces the activity of testosterone. Usually, the first feeling of anxiety occurs in about 45 years to when sexual activity is "not the same as before," but noted andropause in men aged about 60 years.
Unlike menopause, which is experiencing all the women, andropause affects about 10% of men. There are two ways to best survive the transition period. Either the man is in good physical and mental shape, managed to build his wife a harmonious relationship, is not experiencing any discomfort, and only slightly changes the style of sexual relationship, or a certain age he has already found a wide range of interests, which allows him to enjoy a fulfilling life in the absence of sexual relations.
Description of treatment programs
Thus, we examined the various causes of problems in men. In addition, the inevitability of problems associated with aging. And if the problems associated with age is inevitable, then how to do that, they fell on as late as possible. If problems arose in an age when they should not have to occur, how to make that back erstwhile masculine strength. To solve this problem in our company with the assistance of a group of doctors was a complex program of electromagnetic therapy. The complex consists of seven programs. Each program consists of a set of frequencies that implement a specific men's issue. Sets of frequencies based on a combination of modern international practice of advances in human exposure to specific frequencies according to the methods of Dr. Clauss (Hanau), the doctor several scroll (Frankfurt) and Dr. R. Voll (Plohingen), K. Silling, O. Kollmera, Paul Schmidt and method the impact of weak electromagnetic fields, developed by our company with the participation of leading specialists of Russia.
Mode "active defense":
Program number 1:
Mode "active defense" is a universal regime, designed to protect the human body from external pathogenic radiation. This does not mean that you turn on the device, and radiation does not fall on you. As a result of the unit body gets the energy it needs to deal with external factors affecting. These factors can have great physical and mental stress at work, leading to disruption of the urogenital system.
Mode "active defense" to include the best in the morning during morning exercises or if you can not make a charge - instead of her. This program is ideal for prevention of colds and flu. Back in 1996, in 117 clinic MU TSAO of Moscow noted that of those who used daily regime of "active defense", no one has the flu. Later it was confirmed many times. Restores the immune system, reduces fatigue, irritability and tension, increases efficiency, attention, and vitality. Normalizes the nervous and endocrine sistemy.Organizm receives the necessary energy to fight the disease.
The first step removed the psychological fatigue. It is well known that a mentally agitated man can not sleep at night. At this stage the normal psychological state, and fatigue is removed.
In the second step is carried out the total charging energy. The musculature of the body receives the necessary energy for fat burning and thus removed fatigue of muscles, accompanied by pain. Pain - is the cry of tissue, starved of energy. At this step the regulation of peripheral vascular and heart diseases. This frequency is well established for prevention of endocarditis.
In the third step is an additional charge of the body with vital energy of the body. This frequency is used in poorly ongoing process of healing. It is well proven to treat and prevent colds.
The fourth step is performed to relieve fatigue activation function of the heart, the regulation of cardiac rhythm. Carried out regulation of the hypothalamus. Regulation of metabolism (balance), phosphorus and calcium. Starts "Center of Healing."
The fifth step is carried out a comprehensive regulation of blood circulation, eliminates the violations of local blood circulation in the head. Enhance the protective functions of the body - increases immunity.
On the following 2 steps carried out the regulation of host defenses and regulation of the pancreas.
The last two steps enhance the psychological state of man. Give it vitality, relieve depression and anxiety disorders.
Mode "Regulation of male genitourinary system"
Program number 2:
Mode "Regulation of male genitourinary system" is intended to treat male urinary system. The main effect of the program lies in the regulation of functions of the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal gland - gonads.
Twenty years ago it was believed that "the main iron" of the endocrine system - is the pituitary gland, the formation of the size of an acorn, which lies under the brain. It is now established that the regulatory role of pituitary function more like a relay station, while the main control functions of most of the endocrine effects of implementing one of the divisions of the brain - the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus secretes a substance called gonadotropin-releasing factor (GRF), which regulates the secretion of two hormones produced by the pituitary gland and affect the sex glands (ovaries and testes). Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates testosterone secretion of Leydig cells, located in the testicles. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates the production of sperm in the testicles.
In the regulation of hormonal function of the hypothalamus acts like a thermostat, but it does not react to temperature and the concentration of hormones in the circulating blood. For example, adult male testosterone levels in the blood of "registered" in the hypothalamus. If it is large, the secretion of GnRH is terminated, leading to reduced secretion of LH by the pituitary gland. Reduction of LH in the blood quickly leads to a decrease in testosterone in the testes, which in turn limits the intake of testosterone in the blood. When the amount of testosterone that reaches the hypothalamus, falls below a certain level, it activates the secretion of GnRH. In response, the pituitary sends blood to more N, which quickly comes to the testicles and causes increased secretion testosterona.Polovoe drive (its severity and intensity) is associated primarily with the function of the endocrine glands (sex, pituitary, adrenal) as well as some formations in the brain (eg thalamus). The first five steps carried out functions of regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-gonads. This set of frequencies used for the regulation of the endocrine system and is fundamental to the treatment of impotence.
In the sixth - eighth steps carried out regulation of male body in order to increase potency and libido.
The program has worked well in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Mode "bladder, prostate"
The program number 3:
PROSTATE - exchange of male sex hormones that are essential for living organism as a whole, and for sexually active men. There is also a close functional relationship between the prostate and testicles. It has long been known that the removal of the testicles (castration) is sharply reduced the work of the prostate, it slowed and then stopped and all biosynthetic processes. Gland itself gradually decreases due to loss of glandular cells (eg, chronic prostatitis) when it reduced functional activity is reduced and functional activity of the testes, which in turn affects sexual function in men who violated the formation of sperm. In addition to the regulation of sexual activity and to ensure the normal process of reproduction, the prostate gland has an effect on urination, the body's metabolism, on the condition of the urinary, cardiovascular, nervous and other sistem.Etot set of frequencies is made based on Royal Raymond Rife and is designed to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis, as well as associated with these diseases, sexual dysfunction. When the program is carried out regulation of the bladder, testicular and prostate cancer.
Mode "Enhancing potency"
Program № 4
Unfortunately, until now, most men measure their potency in purely physical terms - the size of genitals, intercourse frequency or duration, speed of erection. It is wrong potency can be defined simply as the ability to satisfy the woman. In other words, the potency of a man appreciates a woman. Often a man lives with two women and one of his crazy, while the other considers the full impotent. Why? Obviously, everything depends on the amazing and mysterious feeling of love that inspires any words and deeds.
Woman in love, giving man petting and attention, greatly enhances its potency. Hence, in order to increase its potency, the man must answer it the same - with tenderness and affection. Though a gentle look, a word, but to please her. Understanding and accepting care man, a woman will be more supple, more excitable, more rewarding. The potency of men - in the hands of women. A woman can be passionate with a weak or inexperienced man, and can be cold with the most knowledgeable and skillful - it all depends on her mood, her love. It can support or to punish, help or hurt, the man to inspire confidence or a feeling of complete disaster.
Penile erection
An erection is a functional increase in volume and voltage of the penis. Erection enables sexual intercourse and enter the semen in the vagina. It occurs due to the strong revenue arterial blood in the cavernous body, increase the pressure in the artery that supplies blood to the penis, and the simultaneous reduction of venous outflow. An erection is the result of a clear interaction of nerves, arteries, veins and muscles. Violation of filling the cavernous bodies with blood often occurs due to disorders of the nervous system regulating sexual function. In rare cases, erectile dysfunction may be associated with abnormal blood vessels or muscles of the perineum, which to some extent, also involved in erection.
Erections can occur as a simple reflex, which takes place at the level of the spinal cord, but may appear with the participation of higher nervous system - the cerebral cortex.
Most often, erectile dysfunction arising from exposure to sensory stimuli (visual, tactile, auditory, olfactory), which enter the cerebral cortex, and from it - in the sexual centers of the midbrain. Hence, stimuli are transmitted to the medulla and spinal cord. Part of their erection reaches the center, located in the sacral spinal cord, and excites him. Some stimuli already in the upper lumbar segments of the "branch out" and go through the sympathetic fibers emerging from the lumbar segments, and then through the hypogastric plexus enter directly into the penis. In this way, an erection causes mental stimuli. They are passed directly to the penis, bypassing the spinal erection center mozge.Etot set of frequencies is made based on Royal Raymond Rife and is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and does not address the psychological plan. The program carries out the regulation of blood circulation and restores work fine blood vessels. Increases sexual desire, sexual acting on the center and Chakra 2 (Svadhisthana). 2 chakra is related to the quality of the love which man can feel for a woman. When a normally operating Chakra 2 people can give and receive large sexual and physical pleasure, experiencing the joy of sexual intercourse and can have an orgasm.
Mode "Psihopotentsiya"
Program number 5:
Fear of failure - a bright illustration of the high clinical capabilities of the human organism to a psychosomatic triggering an immediate transformation with the expected effects in the real. Belief in the impotence generates helplessness and fear of impotence can be so great that the potency will never recover, the more that person tends to "be strong", the more overdue, preventing an erection. Pathological or even just excessive fixation on the activity of various organs means the loss of automaticity, which provides extraordinary ease of implementation of the relevant function. It has long been known that if we fix attention on how we go, people would stumble more often. Focusing on some of the local impressions and anticipation of failure during breaks automatic in normal sexual function. Is crucial in this "excitement at the thought that will fuck or not", and extremely strong desire to cause an erection at all costs. Particular caution to the appearance of man and the "quality" of erection, inevitably puts him on a busy road, emotionally rich introspection, not to mention the observation of the reaction counterparts. Comparing what has been, that is, it analyzes the situation at the moment when no sane person is not able to think at all. And the more he is preparing for this highly responsible for his actions, the less his chances of success.
This set of frequencies is made by Paul Schmidt and materials intended for the treatment of psychological problems associated with the generated "neurotic expectations of failure," for example, the failure of the first attempts at the life of sexual intimacy, undertaken in adverse conditions.
In addition to psychological treatment program regulates Chakra 6 - Ajna. If Chakra 6 works is not correct, then the representation of man confused, the images of reality does not correspond to reality, and usually negatively stained. A man deprived of creative ideas. If Chakra 6 works correctly, then the person is active and consistently represents his ideas into physical reality.
With regular use this program you will notice how steadily decreases anxiety about the expectations of failure and strengthened confidence in the favorable completion of intimacy.
Mode "Regulation of blood circulation"
The program number 6
Mode "Blood circulation regulation" is used to treat circulatory system. The discrepancy between the capacity of the vascular bed and blood volume due to failure of vascular tone and (or) blood volume (hypovolemia). The deficit in venous return (blood flow of the heart) can disrupt the pumping function of the heart. In such cases, changes occur mainly on the type of ejection of left ventricular failure with symptoms of cerebral ischemia, heart, kidneys and other organs.
Often, poor circulation is due to vibration. Vibration disease caused by prolonged exposure to vibration. The vibrations are divided into local (from hand tools) and general (from machinery, equipment, moving vehicles, subway). Vibration occurs in many professions.
It can be used for the prevention and treatment of many disorders, and provides the following effects:
- Restores disrupted local blood circulation;
- Adjust the complex circulation;
- Regulates blood flow to all organs and oxygen uptake;
- Regulates the heart center and provides normal blood flow to the heart;
- Restores the cardiac blood flow;
- Restores metabolism;
- Relieves spasms of the cardiovascular system;
- Stabilizes blood circulation;
- Deliberate action on the capillaries;
- Strengthen the protective functions of the body - increases immunity.
For the treatment of heart disease and circulatory disorders optimum time from 11 to 13 hours. The device should have a breast pocket or near the body.
Mode "Deep cleansing"
Program № 7:
Mode "Deep cleansing" is a universal mode for the toxins of different origin from the body. The program is effective in detoxifying the molecular weight of up to 4000, including snake venoms. They are derived through the circulatory system. Germs, bacteria and viruses have a molecular weight greater than 4000 and the effect of the program they are not effective. However, if you treat other methods, this mode may well help. Ie kill germs program can not, and excrete the bacteria can be killed very effectively. Using chemotherapy to eliminate the consequences will be of great benefit.
Mode "Deep cleansing" has worked well for recovery after alcohol poisoning. It can also be used with excessive alcohol consumption. Good results are obtained when removing the "hangover". Repeatedly noted that if, after taking alcohol in large quantities to a therapy session with a "deep cleansing", the "hangover" does not occur.
Mode "Deep cleansing" can be used at any time if necessary. The device should have a breast pocket or in the vicinity of the body. In severe forms of toxic or infectious lesions of the body to repeat the program in 0.5 hours.
In severe poisoning, that is, by flooding the body with poison that electromagnetic therapy is effective enough. It should be borne in mind that in such cases, the biochemical effects of the poison of their mass is much "greater" impact of electromagnetic information, which could in this case, "off" poison. In this case, urgent surgical intervention.
Accident and subsequent treatment of electromagnetic therapy, along with the necessary urgent measures can do a good job. It is always advisable, very helpful and not harmful to the patient. Therefore, electromagnetic therapy devices should be present everywhere, at every station an ambulance in an intensive care unit and, wherever necessary medical care in emergency situations.
Contraindications to the use of electromagnetic therapy:
In clinical trials in 1994 revealed the following contraindications for electromagnetic therapy:
- myocardial infarction up to two months old;
- presence trasplantirovannogo body;
First day:
Morning - Mode "Active defense" after the morning exercise;
11:00 ÷ 12:00 - Mode "Regulitsiya circulation";
13:00 ÷ 15:00 - Mode "Psihopotentsiya"
from 15:00 to 17:00 - Mode "Bladder, prostate."
18:00 ÷ 21:00 - Mode "Increased potency" - to hold 2 sessions;
Before going to sleep mode "Deep cleansing".
Second day:
Morning - Mode "active defense" after the morning exercise
1100 ÷ 1200 - Mode "Regulitsiya circulation"
1300 ÷ 1500 - Mode "Regulation of male genitourinary system"
from 1500 to 1700 - Mode "bladder, prostate."
1800 ÷ 2100 - Mode "Increased potency" - to hold 2 sessions
Before going to sleep mode "deep cleansing"
Then repeat again the 1st and 2nd day. Since courses are conducted within 3 weeks. After that give your body a rest of 2 ÷ 3 days. Continue on to get the desired result. After this, go to prevention to maintain the results achieved.
With the disappearance of mental health problems and restore the confidence necessary to stop the program the first day and leave only the second day of the program.
A set of programs is a key to prevention and treatment of impotence. Prognosis of successful treatment is good, except that:
• A physical injury requiring surgery;
• Complications associated with irregular meals;
• High physical and emotional overload;
• The use of drugs;
• Excessive use of alcohol.
The device should be hold in a pocket or near the body.
Treatments that we offer is deep physiological, scientifically sound and has no side effects.