Anemia - a condition of the human body, which decrease the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. By itself, anemia is not a disease, it is considered a symptom of various pathological conditions that can be either connected to the primary lesion of the blood system, or do not depend on it.
Depending on the degree of reduction in hemoglobin levels are three degrees of severity of anemia:
• mild (hemoglobin level below normal, but above 90 g / l);
• Average (hemoglobin within 90-70 g / l);
• severe (hemoglobin level less than 70 g / l).
In most cases, anemia occurs without pronounced symptoms and often goes unnoticed. In milder forms it can be a weakness, fatigue, malaise, and decreased concentration.
People with more severe anemia may complain of shortness of breath with little or moderate stress, palpitations, headache, tinnitus may also occur disturbed sleep, appetite, sexual desire.
With a very strong anemia, or if there is concomitant disease, may develop heart failure. Frequently encountered diagnostically important symptom of moderate or severe anemia is pallor (skin, mucous membranes and nail visible boxes). Any anemia leads to a decrease in respiratory function of blood and the development of oxygen starvation of tissues.
In the treatment of anemia using vitamin B12 and iron supplements, as well as a variety of balanced meals. Also, low levels of hemoglobin can be applied to red blood cell transfusions. Overall treatment strategy depends on the type of anemia and the severity of the patient. You can effectivel ly maintain your immune system and prevent the development of hypoxia by using the protable device of electromagnetic therapy «DETA-RITM».