Electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic waves) - distributed in space perturbation of the electromagnetic field (ie, in other words - of interacting electric and magnetic fields).
Electromagnetic radiation include radio waves (starting with the super-long), infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet, X-ray and hard (gamma) radiation.
Electromagnetic radiation can propagate in a vacuum (space free of matter), but in some cases fairly well distributed in space filled with matter (changing the number of their behavior). Range name The wavelengths, λ Frequency, ν Sources
Airwaves Extra long 10 km less than 30 kHz Atmospheric phenomena. Alternating currents in conductors and electron beams (oscillatory circuits).
Long 10 km - 1 km 30 kHz - 300 kHz
Average 1 km - 100 m 300 kHz - 3 MHz
Short 100 m - 10 m 3 MHz - 30 MHz
Ultrashort 10 m - 1 mm 30 MHz - 300 GHz
Infrared radiation 1 mm - 780 nm 300 GHz - 429 THz The emission of molecules and atoms in the thermal and electrical effects.
Visible (optical) radiation 780-380 nm 429 THz - 750 THz
Ultraviolet 380 - 10 nm 7,5 × 10 14 Hz - 3 × 10 16 Hz The emission of atoms under the influence of accelerated electrons.
X-ray 10 - 5 × 10 -3 nm 3 × 10 16 - 6 × 10 19 Hz Atomic processes under the influence of accelerated charged particles.
Gamma less than 5 × 10 -3 nm more than 6 × 10 19 Hz Nuclear and cosmic processes, radioactive decay.
The site "Protection against electromagnetic radiation" is devoted to the first part of the table, that is, the whole spectrum of radio waves. This radiation is related to non-ionizing radiation.
Wavelengths λ <1 m (ν> 300 MHz) is also called microwaves or waves of ultrahigh frequencies (UHF).
Electromagnetic radiation at certain levels can have a negative impact on the human body, animals and other living creatures, as well as adversely affect the operation of electrical appliances. Different types of nonionizing radiation (electromagnetic fields, EMFs) have different physiological effects.
The permissible levels of electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic energy flux density) are reflected in the regulations that establish the state authorities, depending on the range of EMF. These rules may be substantially different in different countries.
Disease () - a process that occurs from exposure to harmful organism (emergency) stimulus external or internal environment, characterized by понижениемприспособляемости living organism to the environment while simultaneously mobilizing its defenses.
Being in the zone with elevated levels of EMF, with excessive levels (!) (Depends on the radiation power, duration, location, distance from the source) leads to a variety of adverse effects: there is fatigue, nausea, headache. If a significant excess of standards may damage the heart, brain, central nervous system. Radiation can affect the human psyche, there is irritability, the person is difficult to control yourself. Perhaps the development of difficult to treat diseases, even cancer.
It was established experimentally that electromagnetic radiation have torsion (informational) component. According to research by experts from France, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland is a torsion field, rather than electromagnetic, is a major factor in the adverse effects on human health. Since it is a torsion field is transmitted to humans all that negative information from which nachinayutsya headaches, irritability, insomnia, etc.
Now in more detail.
The source of primary torsion field is to rotate: the electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom, atomic nucleus rotates around its axis and the planets revolve around the sun. Rotates the solar system, galaxies, the universe and the very "space-time."
It was found that the torsion field is created in the operation of any electronic and electromagnetic systems: televisions, computers, microwave ovens and, of course, mobile phones. These fields are much more dangerous than natural. Their high-power (bring your cell phone during a conversation close to any dynamics - all you hear) and since it is closer to man, it has a constant direction. Studies by Western scholars argue convincingly that it is finding a person within range of torsion fields causes a sharp increase in psychic-load with the subsequent development of various pathologies. The most famous domestic scholars in this field are: GI Spines, AE Akimov, AV Bobrov, VP Treasurers, AR Pavlenko. E
According to the literature the total activity of an artificial influence of torsion, which is the companion to any EMI (home electric system, air power lines, televisions and radios, cellular mobile communication, etc.), is millions of times greater than the natural level of Earth's geomagnetic field.
To date, the accumulated enough data on the adverse effects of EMF (and, consequently, the torsion field) per person. Confirmed by the experiments of Russian and Ukrainian scientists that EMF are complex. If you isolate a person from EMI, the adverse effects on man goes through a torsion field - all other satellite fields. The experiments of various scientists (V. Shubin, A. Okhatrin, A. Akimov, G. Thorns) showed that the torsion field to spread the obstacles are absent. From the effects of torsion field suffers primarily the brain, endocrine, immune, and reproductive rights field. Is not protected and the genetic apparatus.
One of the greatest spin (vortex) system is a man. The complexity of its spatial-frequency torsion field is defined by a huge range of chemicals in his body and complexity of their distribution in it, as well as the complex dynamics of biochemical changes in the exchange process.
Each person can be considered as the source (generator) is strictly individual torsion field. Because of factors already discussed his background person (natural) torsion field exercises (for the vast majority of people unwittingly) the spin polarization of the surrounding space in a finite radius. His torsion field that carries information to and including about STATUS his health, leaving a copy (replica of the spin) and on their clothes, and on the physical vacuum.
The vast majority of people have the right background torsion field. Very rarely, in a ratio of about 10 6: 1, there are people with the background left torsion field. The background static torsion field of man in general has a fairly stable value.
The danger of electromagnetic radiation for humans (and any biological objects) in a strong adverse impact of left torsion fields are created all the reactors, any electrical equipment.
According to domestic and foreign literature of the computer and other sources of EMF, including mobile phones, fax machines, leads to a serious deterioration in health (fatigue, pain in the back of the head, neck, blurred vision, disturbance of the cardiovascular system, intestine).
Especially dangerous is the negative (left) torsion radiation for pregnant women. The likelihood of miscarriage increases in their 1.5-fold.
A child born with birth defects 25 times.
For persons working with sources of torsion fields, more often than others, there are functional disorders of the nervous system (4.6 times), heart disease and blood vessels in 2 times, women were more likely mestopatii 14 times, and female infertility arises through 6 months after beginning work with the sources of EMF.
All told, of course, refers to children playing on the computer or a mobile phone, but they are even more vulnerable.