The complex consists of seven software programs. Each program consists of steps - a set of frequencies. Sets of frequencies based on a combination of modern international practice of advances in human exposure to specific frequencies according to the methods of Dr. Clauss (Hanau), the doctor several scroll (Frankfurt) and Dr. R. Voll (Plohingen), K. Sillinga, O. Kollmera, Paul Schmidt and method the impact of weak electromagnetic fields, developed by our company with the participation of leading specialists of Russia.
Program number 1
Mode "active defense" is a universal regime, designed to protect the human body from external pathogenic radiation. This does not mean that you turn on the device, and radiation does not fall on you. As a result of the unit body gets the energy it needs to deal with external factors affecting. These factors can have great physical and mental stress at work.
Mode "active defense" can be used as needed at any time of day. Ideal for prevention of colds and flu.
Restores the immune system, relieves fatigue, irritability and tension, improves performance, attention, and vitality. Normalizes the nervous and endocrine systems.
Body gets the energy it needs to combat the disease.
In addition, working with a lot of people, you can successfully use our device as a means to an individual to protect themselves from their effects.
Run time - 40 minutes.
The program consists of eight steps - 5 minutes on a step.
The first step removed the psychological fatigue. It is well known, the mentally agitated man can not sleep at night. At this stage the normal psychological state, and fatigue, exhaustion.
In the second step is carried out overall energy charge. The musculature of the body receives the necessary energy for fat burning and thus removed fatigue of muscles, accompanied by pain. Pain - is the cry of tissue, starved of energy. At this step the regulation of peripheral vascular and heart diseases. This frequency is well established for prevention of endocarditis.
In the third step is an additional charge of vital energy of the body. This frequency is used in poorly ongoing process of healing. This frequency is well proven to treat colds.
The fourth step is performed to relieve fatigue activation function of the heart, the regulation of cardiac rhythm. Carried out regulation of the hypothalamus. Regulation of metabolism (balance), phosphorus and calcium. Starts "Center of Healing."
The fifth step is carried out a comprehensive regulation of blood circulation, eliminates the violations of local blood circulation in the head. Enhance the protective functions of the body - increases immunity.
The next step is carried out regulation of the body's defenses. Regulation is carried out of the pancreas.
The last two steps enhance the psychological state of man. Give it vitality, relieve depression and anxiety disorders.
Mode "active defense" has worked well for the prevention of disease, stress, overexertion, fatigue and so on.
Mode "Treatment of diabetes mellitus"
Program number 2
The basic working unit of electromagnetic therapy program. This program is designed to regulate the endocrine system. It restores the energy balance of the violation, which consists in the disparity between energy intake of their costs.
Run time - 40 minutes.
Obesity is the hypothalamic-pituitary disease, the pathogenesis of which play a leading role expressed in varying degrees, hypothalamic disorders which cause behavioral change, especially eating disorders, and hormonal disorders.
The action program is distributed in the alimentary-constitutional, endocrine and hypothalamic obesity.
Alimentary-constitutional obesity runs in families and develops, usually in a systematic overeating, abuse of diet, lack of adequate physical activity, often with family members or close relatives.
Hypothalamic obesity caused by disturbances of hypothalamic function and therefore has a number of clinical features.
Endocrine obesity is a symptom of primary pathology of the endocrine glands: hypercortisolism, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism.
However, in all forms of obesity are available in varying degrees, hypothalamic disorders, occurring either primary or in the development of obesity.
Sick I - II degree of obesity is usually no complaints, with more massive obesity bother weakness, sleepiness, depressed mood, and sometimes nervousness, irritability, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, shortness of breath, swelling of the lower extremities, pain in joints, spine.
When hypothalamic obesity often concerned increased appetite, especially in the afternoon, at night feeling hungry, thirsty. Women - various menstrual disorders, infertility, hirsutism, male - lower potency.
Treatment is complex, aimed at reducing body weight, including diet therapy and physical treatment. Program "Obesity (weight loss)" should be included 1-2 times a day. During the session, recovered hypothalamic disorders. Dissolves fatty tissue. Keep in mind that while a large amount of energy.
We recommend a balanced low-calorie diet by reducing carbohydrate content (100-120 g) and some fat (80-90 grams), mostly animal with a sufficient protein content (120 g), vitamins, minerals (including energy costs).
Use of foods high in fiber, contributing to rapid saturation, faster passage of food through the intestines. Food fraction, 5-6 times per day. Apply fasting days: protein (350. G cooked meat or 500 g of cottage cheese), fruit, etc.
Required an active motor mode, a systematic therapeutic exercises, shower, massage.
For obesity prevention program can be used 2 times a week. This mode will certainly be useful to women who care about their appearance.
The program number 3 The program is designed to treat disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting from the action of the following factors: · neurogenic (with functional or organic diseases of the central nervous system caused by the conditions of life or safety - the lack of toilets, the driver, salesperson, etc.);
· Reflex (with organic lesions of the digestive system and other organs and systems);
· toxic (chronic poisoning with lead drugs, morphine, nicotine, nitrobenzene, Chronic administration of high doses holinolitikov and antispasmodics);
· "endocrine" - with a decrease in the pituitary gland, thyroid, ovaries;
· nutritional (with insufficient intake of dietary fiber);
· hypokinetic (for lack of physical activity, predominantly sedentary lifestyle).
Run time - 40 minutes. These factors can cause a predominantly motor disorders of the intestine or the violation of secretion and absorption, or vasomotor disturbances, but in most cases the end result (clinical manifestations) - a consequence of a combination of several disorders. Among the hormonal factors are important disorders of the pituitary-adrenal function and sex hormones, as well as a violation of developing digestive hormones (gastrin, secretin, enteroanthelone, holitsistokinina - pancreozymin, etc.), the metabolism of histamine and serotonin, which are influenced by the activity increases sharply acid -peptic factor. Play a role hereditary constitutional factors (hereditary predisposition is found among patients in the 15-40% of cases). Contributing factors are violations of food misuse sharp, rough, irritating foods, always quick, hasty eating, drinking alcoholic beverages and their surrogates, smoking, stress. Negative emotions, long-term mental strain, pathological impulses from the affected organs in chronic appendicitis, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, and others are often the cause of peptic ulcer disease. Treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may in all cases except those that require urgent surgical intervention. As you know, to prevent the disease easier to treat than the cases already running. It can be used to prevent and to treat the following disorders: · adnexitis;
· Hemorrhoids;
· Headache in diseases of the small and large intestines;
· Dyskinesia colon gipomotoraya form;
· Constipation;
· Heartburn;
· Spastic colitis;
· Stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, etc.
In addition: · Relieves spasms of various origins;
· Adjust the water and electrolyte metabolism (potassium - sodium);
· Regulates appetite and affects the acidity of gastric juice
To do this, turn the unit on and placed in a breast pocket or in the vicinity of the body. Mode "Regulation of the gastrointestinal tract" may be used at any time if necessary. In the event of acute illness to repeat the session in 0.5 hours.
Favorable prognosis, except when there are complications associated with irregular meals, great emotional and physical overload.
Program № 4
Mode "Blood circulation regulation" is a universal regime for the treatment of circulatory system. The discrepancy between the capacity of the vascular bed and blood volume due to insufficient vascular tone or (ii) the volume of circulating blood (hypovolaemia). The deficit in venous return (blood flow of the heart) can disrupt the pumping function of the heart. In such cases, changes occur mainly on the type of ejection of left ventricular failure with symptoms of cerebral ischemia, heart, kidneys and other organs. Often, poor circulation is due to vibration. Vibration disease caused by prolonged exposure to vibration. The vibrations are divided into local (from hand tools) and general (from machinery, equipment, moving vehicles, subway). Vibration occurs in many professions. Objective symptoms: hypothermia, rash and swelling of the hands, fingers cyanosis or pallor, episodes of "white" fingers, resulting in cooling, at least during the work. Vascular disorders seen in hypothermia and toes, spasm or atony of the nail bed capillaries, reducing blood flow of blood to the brush. It is mandatory to increase the thresholds of vibration, pain, temperature, less tactile sensitivity. Run time - 40 minutes. It can be used to prevent and to treat the following disorders: · Angina pectoris;
· Spastic hypertonia;
· Arteriosclerosis;
In addition: · Restores disrupted local blood circulation;
· Adjust the complex circulation;
· Regulates blood flow to all organs and oxygen uptake;
· Regulates the heart center and provides normal blood flow to the heart. Restores cardiac blood flow.
· Restores metabolism;
· Relieves spasms of the cardiovascular system;
· Stabilizes blood circulation;
· deliberate action on the capillaries.
· Strengthen the protective functions of the body - increases immunity;
Mode "Blood circulation regulation" may be used at any time if necessary. For the treatment of heart disease and circulatory disorders optimum time from 11 to 13 hours. The device should have a breast pocket or near the body.
Caution: do not use the device within two months after myocardial infarction. In severe forms of heart disease (built-in pacemaker, heart attack), you must have the device at a distance of 0.5 m.
Mode "Regulation of female urogenital system"
Program number 5
Mode "Regulation of female urogenital system" is a universal regime for the treatment of female urinary system. The program covers a wide range of women's issues and is very useful for women at any age.
Menopause is caused by age-adjustment of the female body. The processes of involution include central nervous system and endocrine glands.
For most women, menopause occurs without the expressed frustration. However, it is often over complicated, resulting in increased irritability, mood lability, sleep disorders, dizziness, increased blood pressure, autonomic-vascular disorders (hot flushes etc.). In 8-10% of women menopause occurs pathologically: frequent hot flashes (up to 10-20 times a day and more), the sudden sensation of heat, a significant increase in blood pressure, obesity, disorders of water-salt and other forms of exchange, the neuro-psychological changes. Menopause and climacteric neurosis are often accompanied by dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
Run time - 40 minutes.
Treatment. Restorative activities: water treatment, narzan baths, physiotherapy, etc.
The main effect of the program lies in the regulation of functions of the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal gland - gonads. Sessions can be conducted not only for treatment of female urogenital but also for the prevention of these diseases. To carry out a preventive maintenance sessions once a week. For the treatment sessions are necessary to carry out daily as needed at any time of day.
Caution: do not use it during pregnancy or if you wish to become pregnant women (see Contraindications application of electromagnetic therapy).
Mode "Regulation of male genitourinary system"
The program number 6
Mode "Regulation of male genitourinary system" is a universal regime for the treatment of male urogenital system. The program covers a wide range of men's problems and is very useful to men. The older man, the greater the need for this program. Good results were obtained in the treatment of prostatitis, impotence, etc.
Prostate - a nonspecific inflammation of the prostate. Often occurs after urological instrumentation examinations and catheterization of the bladder.
Symptoms flow. Pain in the perineum, the bladder, rectum, urinary frequency, nocturia, hematuria terminal (trehstakannaya test), pyuria. Urinary retention. High temperature and symptoms of intoxication. By digital research gland is enlarged, painful, with abscess formation - fluctuation.
Complications: A Breakthrough abscess in the rectum, bladder, perineum, sepsis.
Run time - 40 minutes.
The main effect of the program lies in the regulation of functions of the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal gland - gonads. Regulates the functions of the testicles and prostate. This program is a key to prevention and treatment of impotence. Prognosis of successful treatment is good, if there is no physical damage and is not required in connection with this surgery.
Sessions can be conducted not only in the treatment of prostatitis, but also for its prevention. To carry out a preventive maintenance sessions once a week. For the treatment sessions are necessary to carry out daily as needed at any time of day. The device should have a pocket or near the body.
The program number 7
Mode "Deep cleansing" is a universal mode for the toxins of different origin from the body. The program is effective in detoxifying the molecular weight of up to 4000, including snake venoms. They are derived through the circulatory system. Germs, bacteria and viruses have a molecular weight greater than 4000 and action programs are not effective. However, if you treat other methods, this mode may well help. Ie kill germs program can not, and excrete the bacteria can be killed very effectively. Using chemotherapy to eliminate the consequences will be of great benefit.
Mode "Deep cleansing" has worked well for recovery after alcohol poisoning. It can be used with excessive alcohol consumption. Good results are obtained when removing the "hangover". Repeatedly noted that if, after taking alcohol in large quantities to a therapy session, the "hangover" does not occur.
Run time - 40 minutes.
Mode "Deep cleansing" can be used at any time if necessary.
The first day.
Morning - Mode "active defense" after the morning exercise.
1100 ÷ 1200 - Mode "Regulation of blood circulation"
Before dinner - Mode "Regulation of gastrointestinal tract '
1500 ÷ 1600 - Mode "Losing weight (obesity)"
1700 ÷ 1800 - Mode "Losing weight (obesity)"
Before dinner - Mode "Regulation of gastrointestinal tract '
2000 ÷ 2100 - The regime of "deep cleansing"
Second day.
Morning - Mode "active defense" after the morning exercise.
1100 ÷ 1200 - Mode "Regulation of blood circulation"
Before dinner - Mode "Regulation of gastrointestinal tract '
1500 ÷ 1600 - Mode "Losing weight (obesity)"
1700 - Mode "Regulation of female urogenital system" for women
1700 - Mode "Regulation of male genitourinary system" for men
Before dinner - Mode "Regulation of gastrointestinal tract '
2000 ÷ 2100 - The regime of "deep cleansing"
Then repeat again the 1st and 2nd day. So is conducted three cycles. After that day you need to give your body a rest and continue on to get the desired result. After this, go to prevention to maintain the results achieved.
Favorable prognosis, except when there are complications associated with irregular meals, great emotional and physical overload.
Program № 4
· Angina pectoris;
· Spastic hypertonia;
· Arteriosclerosis;
In addition:· Restores disrupted local blood circulation;
· Adjust the complex circulation;
· Regulates blood flow to all organs and oxygen uptake;
· Regulates the heart center and provides normal blood flow to the heart. Restores cardiac blood flow.
· Restores metabolism;
· Relieves spasms of the cardiovascular system;
· Stabilizes blood circulation;
· deliberate action on the capillaries.
· Strengthen the protective functions of the body - increases immunity;
Mode "Blood circulation regulation" may be used at any time if necessary. For the treatment of heart disease and circulatory disorders optimum time from 11 to 13 hours. The device should have a breast pocket or near the body.
Caution: do not use the device within two months after myocardial infarction. In severe forms of heart disease (built-in pacemaker, heart attack), you must have the device at a distance of 0.5 m.
Mode "Regulation of female urogenital system"
Program number 5
Mode "Regulation of female urogenital system" is a universal regime for the treatment of female urinary system. The program covers a wide range of women's issues and is very useful for women at any age.
Menopause is caused by age-adjustment of the female body. The processes of involution include central nervous system and endocrine glands.
For most women, menopause occurs without the expressed frustration. However, it is often over complicated, resulting in increased irritability, mood lability, sleep disorders, dizziness, increased blood pressure, autonomic-vascular disorders (hot flushes etc.). In 8-10% of women menopause occurs pathologically: frequent hot flashes (up to 10-20 times a day and more), the sudden sensation of heat, a significant increase in blood pressure, obesity, disorders of water-salt and other forms of exchange, the neuro-psychological changes. Menopause and climacteric neurosis are often accompanied by dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
Run time - 40 minutes.
Treatment. Restorative activities: water treatment, narzan baths, physiotherapy, etc.
The main effect of the program lies in the regulation of functions of the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal gland - gonads. Sessions can be conducted not only for treatment of female urogenital but also for the prevention of these diseases. To carry out a preventive maintenance sessions once a week. For the treatment sessions are necessary to carry out daily as needed at any time of day.
Caution: do not use it during pregnancy or if you wish to become pregnant women (see Contraindications application of electromagnetic therapy).
Mode "Regulation of male genitourinary system"
The program number 6
Mode "Regulation of male genitourinary system" is a universal regime for the treatment of male urogenital system. The program covers a wide range of men's problems and is very useful to men. The older man, the greater the need for this program. Good results were obtained in the treatment of prostatitis, impotence, etc.
Prostate - a nonspecific inflammation of the prostate. Often occurs after urological instrumentation examinations and catheterization of the bladder.
Symptoms flow. Pain in the perineum, the bladder, rectum, urinary frequency, nocturia, hematuria terminal (trehstakannaya test), pyuria. Urinary retention. High temperature and symptoms of intoxication. By digital research gland is enlarged, painful, with abscess formation - fluctuation.
Complications: A Breakthrough abscess in the rectum, bladder, perineum, sepsis.
Run time - 40 minutes.
The main effect of the program lies in the regulation of functions of the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal gland - gonads. Regulates the functions of the testicles and prostate. This program is a key to prevention and treatment of impotence. Prognosis of successful treatment is good, if there is no physical damage and is not required in connection with this surgery.
Sessions can be conducted not only in the treatment of prostatitis, but also for its prevention. To carry out a preventive maintenance sessions once a week. For the treatment sessions are necessary to carry out daily as needed at any time of day. The device should have a pocket or near the body.
The program number 7
Mode "Deep cleansing" is a universal mode for the toxins of different origin from the body. The program is effective in detoxifying the molecular weight of up to 4000, including snake venoms. They are derived through the circulatory system. Germs, bacteria and viruses have a molecular weight greater than 4000 and action programs are not effective. However, if you treat other methods, this mode may well help. Ie kill germs program can not, and excrete the bacteria can be killed very effectively. Using chemotherapy to eliminate the consequences will be of great benefit.
Mode "Deep cleansing" has worked well for recovery after alcohol poisoning. It can be used with excessive alcohol consumption. Good results are obtained when removing the "hangover". Repeatedly noted that if, after taking alcohol in large quantities to a therapy session, the "hangover" does not occur.
Run time - 40 minutes.
Mode "Deep cleansing" can be used at any time if necessary.
The first day.
Morning - Mode "active defense" after the morning exercise.
1100 ÷ 1200 - Mode "Regulation of blood circulation"
Before dinner - Mode "Regulation of gastrointestinal tract '
1500 ÷ 1600 - Mode "Losing weight (obesity)"
1700 ÷ 1800 - Mode "Losing weight (obesity)"
Before dinner - Mode "Regulation of gastrointestinal tract '
2000 ÷ 2100 - The regime of "deep cleansing"
Second day.
Morning - Mode "active defense" after the morning exercise.
1100 ÷ 1200 - Mode "Regulation of blood circulation"
Before dinner - Mode "Regulation of gastrointestinal tract '
1500 ÷ 1600 - Mode "Losing weight (obesity)"
1700 - Mode "Regulation of female urogenital system" for women
1700 - Mode "Regulation of male genitourinary system" for men
Before dinner - Mode "Regulation of gastrointestinal tract '
2000 ÷ 2100 - The regime of "deep cleansing"
Then repeat again the 1st and 2nd day. So is conducted three cycles. After that day you need to give your body a rest and continue on to get the desired result. After this, go to prevention to maintain the results achieved.