The following set of programs is directed towards curing:

  • Toothache,
  • Inflammation,
  • Tooth decay,
  • Parodontosis,
  • Trigeminal nerve-neuralgia,
  • Festering of the upper-lower jaw and other oral issues. 

 [ 1 ]  Toothache as a reaction to cold and heat

 [ 2 ]  Toothache

 [ 3 ]  Inflammation 1

 [ 4 ]  Inflammation 2

 [ 5 ]  Tooth decay

 [ 6 ]  Parodontosis 1

 [ 7 ]  Parodontosis 2

 [ 8 ]  Centers of chronic infection in the oral cavity

 [ 9 ]  Trigeminal nerve-neuralgia 1

 [ 10 ] Trigeminal nerve-neuralgia 2

 [ 11 ] Festering of the upper-lower jaw

 [ 12 ] Active Protection

 [ 13 ] Antipain

 [ 14 ] Antistress

 [ 15 ] Body Detox


№ 1 Toothache as a reaction to cold and heat. 

Daily procedure once a  day from 9.00 to 11.00.

 The Course is 10 days with a three day break. Three courses in total.

 Morning Active Protection 7.00-9.00

 Mode № 1 9.00-11.0

 Mode Body Detox 20.00-21.00


 № 2 Toothache.  Performed twice per day, every day until the pain is gone.

 Morning Active Protection 7.00-9.00

 Mode № 2 9.00-11.00

 Mode №2 115.00-17.00

 Mode Antistress 17.00-20.00

 Mode Body Detox 20.00-21.00


№3 Inflammation 1—Performed once per day, for 20 days , then once a

 week for 5 weeks.

 №4  Inflammation 2-Performed once per day, for 20 days , then once a

 week for 5 weeks, 5 weeks, preventive measures.

 Morning Active Protection 7.00-9.00

 Mode №3 Inflammation 1 -9.00-11.00

 Mode №3 Inflammation 1- 13.00-15.00

 Mode Antistress 17.00-20.00

 Mode Body Detox 20.00-21.00


 №5 Tooth decay - Performed once per day, 6 day course with a one day

 break, 5 weeks. Then once per week as a preventive measure.

 Morning Active Protection 7.00-9.00

 Mode №5  с 17.00-19.00

 Mode Body Detox 20.00-21.00


 №6 Parodontosis  1

 №7 Parodontosis  2 - 2 week course with a four day break, 4 month

 course. Then once per week, as a preventive measure.

 Morning Active Protection 7.00-9.00

 Mode Parodontosis 1 10.-0012.00

 Mode Parodontosis 2  15.00-17.00

 Mode Antistress 17.00-20.00

 Mode Body Detox 20.00-21.00


 № 8 Centers of chronic infection in the oral cavity.

Performed once per week until complete disappearance.

 Morning Active Protection 7.00-9.00

 Программа №8 10.00-12.00

 Mode Antipain 13.00-15.00

 Mode Body Detox 20.00-21.00


№9  Trigeminal nerve-neuralgia 1 – №10 Trigeminal nerve-neuralgia 2—  Performed every day,10 days with a  break in between for three days, three courses.

 Morning Active Protection 7.00-9.00

 Mode №9—10.00-12.00

 Mode №10-15.0017.00

 Mode Antistress 17.00-20.00

 Mode Body Detox 20.00-21.00


 №11 Festering of the upper-lower jaw.

Performed every day until  complete disappearance.

 Morning Active Protection 7.00-9.00

 Mode  №11 с 10.00-14.00

 Mode Antipain 14.00-16.00

 Mode Antistress 17.00-20.00

 Mode Body Detox 20.00-21.00


 № 12 Active Protection

 № 13 Antipain

 № 14 Antistress

 № 15 Body Detox




 1. Pregnancy

 2. Acute decompensated heart failure.

 3. Pulmonary fibrosis with a disposition to hemorrhages

 4. Myocardial infarction dating to at least two months old

 5. Presence of an implanted organ

 6. Congenital defects of the central nervous system

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