Antibiotics play a very important role of modern medicine. These medications are used to fight many infections caused by bacteria. Meanwhile there are many scientists speaking about harmfull effect of antibiotics on the human body. 

The following facts about antibiotics will help you understand how these drugs work, their possible side effects and of taking antibiotics as directed by your doctor.

  •  Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria. These drugs do not work on viruses. A bacterium is a living, reproducing lifeform. A virus is just a piece of DNA (or RNA). A virus injects its DNA into a living cell and has that cell reproduce more of the viral DNA. With a virus there is nothing to "kill," so antibiotics don’t work on it.
  •  There are many types of antibiotics. Each works a little differently and acts on different types of bacteria. Some antibiotics are effective against only certain types of bacteria; others can effectively fight a wide range of bacteria. 
  • Antibiotics must be taken for the full amount of time prescribed by your doctor. Many times, patients will stop the use of an antibiotic when they begin to feel better and it seems that the illness has gone. However, even after the symptoms are gone, the bacteria may still be present in small amounts and an infection can return if use of the antibiotic is stopped. Not completing the prescribed dose also may promote resistance. 
  • There are two major drawbacks of antibiotics
     * Bacterial resistance;
     * Harmful side effects.
  • Bacteria may be naturally resistant to different classes of antibiotics or may acquire resistance from other bacteria through exchange of resistant genes.
  • There are most common side effects of antibiotics include stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea. An increased sensitivity to sunlight is common with tetracyclines (e.g. doxycycline, minocycline) and fluoroquinolones (e.g. ciprofloxacin , ofloxacin, levofloxacin). Although most side-effects may be mild in appearance, some may be severe like allergic reactions and it may even be life-threatening allergic reactions. Should you experience any unexpected reaction to an antibiotic you use for the first time, immediately consult with your health professional.
  • Antibiotics can kill most of the bacteria in your body that are sensitive to them, including "good" bacteria. By destroying the bacterial balance, they may cause stomach upsets, diarrhea, yeast infections or other problems.
  • Any antibiotic can suppress the healthy bacteria in your colon. Usually this problem surfaces when the newer, more powerful antibiotics are prescribed, or when multiple antibiotics are used for serious infections. Almost any antibiotic can cause antibiotic-associated colitis (also called pseudomembranous colitis, or Clostridium difficile colitis)., but the following have been implicated in most cases: clindamycin, lincomycin, ampicillin, cephalosporins. The aminoglycosides (amikacin, gentamicin), erythromycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin , levofloxacin) seem less likely to be the cause.
  • Antibiotic associated diarrhea can occur within two days of completing a course of antibiotics or even up to six weeks later. The risk of antibiotic associated diarrhea rises with how often and how long the antibiotics are taken. Even the most gentle antibiotics, given for a short period of time, can occasionally lead to this problem. Therefore, if you have new symptoms of diarrhea, it is important that you make your doctor aware of any antibiotics you may have taken in the last several months.
  • Yeast Overgrowth. One of the most common side effects of antibiotics is yeast overgrowth. Women who use antibiotics often develop bowel and vaginal yeast infections. Children treated repeatedly with antibiotics for ear infections often develop yeast and fungal infections of the middle ear.
  • Antibiotics can, in some cases, hinder the immune response. For example, children given amoxicillin for chronic earaches suffer two to six times the rate of recurrent middle ear effusion than children who took a placebo. According to Carol Jessop, MD, Clinical Professor at the University of California at San Francisco, 80% of her patients who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (or chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome) had a history of recurrent antibiotics treatment as a child, adolescent or adult.
  • Antibiotics will not cure viral illnesses, such as
    * Colds or flu;
     * Most coughs and bronchitis;
     * Sore throats not caused by strep;
     * Runny noses ;
     * Stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis) ;
     * Some ear infections;
  • Sometimes it is very hard to tell when an illness is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. A test called a culture should be done to determine which bacteria, if any, are responsible for your illness. Without a culture, your health care provider must choose an antibiotic based on an educated guess of what bacteria are most likely to be causing your illness. Sometimes, those educated guesses are wrong.
  • Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of antibiotics. These resistant bacteria survive and multiply – causing more harm, such as a longer illness, more doctor visits, and a need for more expensive and toxic antibiotics. 
  • Some antibiotics become less effective if they are taken with food. For example, azithromycin (zithromax) capsules should not be mixed with or taken with food, however tablets may be taken without regard to food.


Whether we like it or not, but we consume antibiotics if you just eat meat. About 50 different types of antibiotics injected animals, mixed with them in food, water and even air. So all of these antibiotics get into our body. Often with disease, which in turn have developed an immunity to these antibiotics.

So it turns out that getting a particular disease, the body no longer provide assistance to most antibiotics. Increasingly, there are times when people are dying because of diseases that are treated with no problems. The reason for this resistance to all possible types of antibiotics. But we also are constantly employ the antibiotics and stuff their children, thereby weakening the immune system and growing new kinds of diseases with immune to drugs.





Russian scientists made the portable medical device "DETA-AP" and now it is possible to treat almost every possible viral and infectious diseases without using antibiotics and other chemical drugs. 

The device "DETA-AP" uses bio-resonance therapy, the effect of which  is the destruction of viruses and bacteria by electro-magnetic waves of the same frequency, that utilizes this type of parasites. When exposed to electromagnetic waves of their microorganisms as a resonance frequency, which causes instant death only those viruses and bacteria, which is against the treatment. As a result, the resonance kills all types of bacteria, viruses, worms and protozoa.

Thus the device can eliminate the following types of microorganisms:

  • vruses - 90 species;
  • bacteria - 91 species;
  • fungi - 61 species;
  • simple - 31 species;
  • worms - 33 species.  

The effectiveness of this method to create one conclusion by looking at this video:

It shows how the simplest active before exposure to the instrument. Then they slow down their movement. And after less than a minute, they just break down into smaller particles. Their breakdown products are excreted through the programs provided for in the instrument cleaning of the body: drainage, detoxification, deep cleaning.

Thus, only a few sessions can help a person solve a problem that may have haunted him for years.

It is important to note that due to this principle of operation, the device "DETA-AP" has no side effects. Read more detailed information about "DETA-AP" in the regarding page.







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