There is abound information on this subject in the medical literature. Almost all hair loss attributed excess male hormones. If you believe this, then everybo bald should be an "endless sexual giants." But, all of them are ordinary men, like everyone else. Seeing an excess of androgens to join seborrhea, which provides food and many kinds of microorganisms primarily fungi, claim that it's the reason - an excess of male hormones. Somehow, with all to forget that medicine is already held. When it became clear that those suffering from obliterating endarteritis men increased amounts of androgens, even offered to partially neutered. And some, in order to save his legs were decided on this step. But it turned out, even this step is not saved from the loss of limbs. Here is a figurative comparison. Perhaps not entirely successful, but shows the situation quite accurately. Think about it: is carcass bull puppy chews her and. Even a preschooler does not believe that dog killed the bull. And to androgens in hair loss for some reason they believe almost anything.

In the works of many researchers toxoplasmosis show how Toxoplasma inhibits endocrine glands. Violates the very structure of the glands. Alters even the quality of hormones, their number and ratio. This is a medicine called a violation of hormonal homeostasis, ie, equilibrium - that is revealed through an increase in androgens in hair loss and endarteritis. Of course, such violations entail the development of the metabolic processes that lead to the development of specific diseases.

Many bald men normal skin on the forehead smoothed stupenechkoy becomes atrophied skin where hair formerly grew. Who studied medicine remember that the nerves supplying the scalp, climbing up past the ears, branching out like the roots of a tree, almost overlap in the midline. They are suitable fibril and nourish every cell in the skin. Ubiquitous Toxoplasma by eating at the periphery of the myelin in the nerve fibrils, violates the innervation of the cells. Thus, disturbed blood supply, which means delivery of necessary materials and the removal of toxins. This creates a "local paradise" for the prosperity of microorganisms. All of this together and causes atrophy of the scalp. Propagating along the structure derived from nerves, skin atrophy seen areal pattern baldness. The same mechanism and alopecia baldness. In these places, Toxoplasma violated nervous ensuring skin.

What evidence, what is Toxoplasma culprit of hair loss? Back in his home medical manual, published in 1895 by Hughes g.Richard baldness recommends the use of quinine. In the last century against baldness cinchona bark extract sold for rubbing into the scalp. Hina - pretty good protivotoksoplazmoznoe means. At the beginning of hair loss, it gave a nice effect. But with the strengthening of its positions by the parasite, rubbing the extract into the scalp, though, and gave a certain effect, but insufficient. But with the use of such funds and inward gave excellent results. Why is it such a treatment is not fixed in medicine, if it so effective? Using quinine, no one even suspected that he was dealing with Toxoplasma, and therefore do not supplement the treatment assignment inside antiparasitic funds. Few who have underpinned the use of such external treatment facilities, and inside, not knowing actually used them correctly. This gave the parasite the opportunity to develop resistance to these drugs. They became worthless. Thus, the therapeutic effect turned out to be short-lived. It's frustrating and doctors and patients.

Very significant in this respect, the work of the Odessa II Kuschev researcher who, in treating a variety of toxoplasmosis lesions found out: when fully healed lesions once again back through the 2-3-5 months. Unfortunately, this researcher is not fully realized the treachery of Toxoplasma and of course not fully prolechival patients. This was the reason for the return of the disease. Study of toxoplasmosis, I spent more than 40 years of his life. Only in the last 10 to 15 years managed to gain an understanding of how deeply and thoroughly Toxoplasma settles himself under the body. Baldness is a leash outside one of the many manifestations of the general process of toxoplasmosis. All of them together to a certain extent reflect its positions in domestic environments, Toxoplasma and organs of our body. A similar statement can not agree. But the appetite for parasites is not affected. And they surely lead us to accelerated aging, in violation of the internal organs, opornodvigatelnogo apparatus.

Medicine says that baldness is inherited. And it is a fact. But time spent sufficient, nutritionally adequate protivotoksoplazmoznoe treatment in the vast numbers of men and inheritance, stops the process of hair loss for many years. Incidentally, this same treatment to prevent hair loss in women. And even, to some extent, also restores the hair. Periodic prolechivanie keeps her hair into old age, despite the fact that parents have lost their hair at a young age. It turns out that all the previous proposed to deal with hair loss is only a subsidiary. A meaningful treatment for hair loss today have every opportunity. Its effectiveness in the fight against toxoplasmosis dokoazal unit of bio-resonance therapy «DETA-AP». After a few sessions, this problem will be solved. I recommend to those who have grown accustomed to the loss of hair, think and remember that you can lose and blood vessels, and heart, and much more.


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