Arthritis - an inflammatory, metabolic and degenerative diseases (lesions) of the joints. The word arthritis means joint inflammation. It can be traumatic, infectious, and dystrophic in origin. Arthritis occurs in acute and chronic forms with the defeat of one or more joints (arthritis).

Characteristic symptoms of arthritis - pain, swelling, morning stiffness in the joints and / or spine, the skin over the joint becomes red, may be hot to the touch, the joints are gradually deformed.

Diseases associated with inflammation of the synovial membrane - a thin film of connective tissue lining the joints from the inside or damage the articular cartilage covering the ends of bones in the place of their connection.

Determine the "origin" of arthritis is no easy task, but the diagnosis on the hardware-software complex "DETA-PROFESSIONAL" allows us to determine not only the entire spectrum of comorbidity in the internal organs, but in most cases the cause of the disease.

Treatment of arthritis should be comprehensive and include not only medical direction, and body cleansing, weight loss (to reduce the load on the joints) and soft physiotherapy.

By using the device of electromagnetic therapy «DETA-AP», you can conduct a thorough detoxification process and speed up recovery from arthritis.



The given complex eliminates disease of the musculoskeletal system of the distrophic inflammatory type.

During the treatment, the device must be placed near the damaged joint, moving it during the session until the pain occurs and back. (During the operation of programs # 2,3,4) Gradually, during the session, mobility of the joint will increase. Programs must be operated one after another with an interval of 30 minutes.
The program #1 is to be used in the morning. The device should be place in the middle part of the body.
The program #5 is to be used in the evening. The device should be place in the middle part of the body.

Course of treatment: From 3 weeks to 4 months, with a break in between weeks for 3-4 days. After the course, carry out preventive measures once a week.
The interval between application of programs should not be less than an hour unless additional instructions are provided!
The limit per day is no more than 6 programs ('Body detox'' can be an exception and may be used as the 7th program)

Example of program's application as a timetable:
Morning - “Active protection” [1]
12pm - Arthritis. 1st medical program - [2]
1:20pm - Arthritis. 2nd medical program - [3]
2:30pm - Arthritis. 3rd medical program - [4]
8pm - 9pm (or before sleep) - “Deep body cleansing” [5]

Main problem-related programs:
[1]. Active protection
[2]. Arthritis. 1st medical program
[3]. Arthritis. 2nd medical program
[4]. Arthritis. 3rd medical program
[5]. Mode «Deep body cleansing»

[6]. Blood circulation regulation.
[7]. Regulation of gastrointestinal tract.
[8]. Chronic fatigue syndrome.
[9]. Antistress (sleeping disorder)
[10]. Internal anxiety.
[11]. Supersensitivity of the nervous system.
[12]. Cold
[13]. Dizziness.
[14]. Regulation of female urinogenital system.
[15]. Regulation of male's urinogenital system.


1. Pregnancy
2. Acute decompensated heart failure.
3. Pulmonary fibrosis with a disposition to hemorrhages
4. Myocardial infarction dating to at least two months old
5. Presence of an implanted organ
6. Congenital defects of the central nervous system

Arthritis is a disease that can strike at any age



  • Estimated that forty million Americans, that s one in seven of them, have arthritis; 
  • Almost two thirds of arthritis patients are women but for some types of arthritis most sufferers are men.  
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