Allergy  is a hypersensitivity of an organism to environmental substances called allergens. 

An allergic reaction  is an incorrect response of the human immune system to a stimulus, and pseudoallergy - a reaction to substances that are normally harmless to most people.

Allergens - the substances that cause allergic reactions - enter the body in different ways:

  • through the nose, throat, and lungs (volatile substances: dust, pollen, bacteria, etc.);
  • through the mouth and digestive system (food, liquid, medicine);
  • through the skin, substances and chemicals in contact with the surfaces of the body (cosmetics, cleansers and detergents, etc.);
  • subcutaneous, intravenous (drugs, vaccines, animal bites and insect nately).

 One allergen can be the cause of a wide array of illnesses. Allergy is an immunological disorder caused by malfunctions of the immune response. It can affect any organ, tissue, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and more often respiratory tract.

Symptoms of allergy may include:  

Common symptoms include itching and redness of the skin, swelling of the lining of the nose, blisters, redness of the conjunctiva and eye pain, contact dermatitis, high fever, wheezing, shortness of breath,  various skin rashes (eczema, urticaria),  sometimes headache, running nose, watery eyes and others.

A more severe allergic response is called anaphylactic shock. It is characterized by itching followed by low blood pressure, constricted breathing, weak pulse, pale skin and heavy sweating. 

Another serious illness is bronchial  asthma.

Bronchial  asthma is a disease in which a paroxysmal disturbance of the respiratory passages provokes shortness of breath, cough and wheezing sounds. Allergy and derangements of the regulation of the immune response are a frequent cause of bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma affects around 4 to 15 percent of the world population. Electromagnetic therapy is a unique treatment method that uses a set of physiological electromagnetic frequencies (natural to the body). It is an alternative to pharmacological and surgical treatment, and physiotherapy. 

Comprehensive program, with the help of homotoxicology method, allows to smoothly and safely perform a thorough cleansing of the organism and get rid of health problems forever. The return of vital energy normalizes blood supply, oxygen absorption, lung function, eliminates spasms, pain and weakness. 

It is difficult to diagnose what is called an allergen-sensitivity of the organism. Usually there are several methods, but none of them are not 100% guarantee. Complications of these studies is often the development of new allergies in sensitive patients. By using dianostic system "DETA-PROFESSIONAL" there is oportunity to find out the reasons of alergy to treat it successfully.

In the treatment of allergies the most important thing is to avoid exposure to allergens from the environment. Drug treatment of allergy is very limited, because drugs tend to just block the action of allergens. Thus, changes in lifestyle, environment, habits, and the systematic maintenance of the human immune system with the devices of electromagnetic therapy «DETA» should recognize the most effective ways to treat allergies.


Course of treatment: 

Two courses for 2 weeks. One week break between courses. Preventive measures once a week. The interval between application of programs should be not less than an hour unless additional instructions are provided!
The limit per day is no more than 6 programs ('Body detox'' can be an exception and may be used as the 7th program).

Morning - “Active protection” [1]
9am – 12am – “Blood circulation regulation” [6]
11am – 2pm – “Regulation of gastrointestinal tract” [3]
1pm – 5pm - “Regulation of male-female urinogenital system” [4]/[5]
5pm – 7pm - “Allergic dermatitis” [2]
8pm – 9pm (or before sleep - “Body detox” [7]

Main problem-related programs:
[1]. Active protection.
[2]. Allergic dermatitis (dust, cats, dogs and others)
[3]. Regulation of gastrointestinal tract.
[4]. Regulation of female urinogenital system.
[5]. Regulation of male urinogenital system.
[6]. Blood circulation regulation
[7]. Body detox.

[8]. Chronic fatigue syndrome.
[9]. Antistress (sleeping disorder)
[10]. Internal anxiety.
[11]. Supersensitivity of the nervous system.
[12]. Cold.
[13]. Dizziness.

1. Pregnancy
2. Acute decompensated heart failure.
 3. Pulmonary fibrosis with a disposition to hemorrhages .
 4. Myocardial infarction dating to at least two months old. 
 5. Presence of an implanted organ .
 6. Congenital defects of the central nervous system.

This complex is directed towards restoration and strengthening of the immune system, which promotes the explusion of the allergen from the body.   





















































































































































































































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