Marina, 42:

Slipped on the ice, fell down. Bruising of two knee caps (on the left leg with swelling). Programs used: "Drainage" + "Osteopathy posttraumatic." The result - edema went in two hours, the amplitude of flexion-extension of foot increased, pain stopped.

The patient is 40 years old: Psoriasis







Viacheslav, 62 years:

Sinusitis. Used “DETA-AP”. Sessions for two weeks every other day. Programs used: "Drainage" + "Sinusitis." The result - 100% 's recovery.

Nadezhda, 60:

Schistosomes, itching hands, watery discharge through the wounds. I used the program "Schistosomes" in the device “DETA-AP” 5 times. The result: after 10 days my hands ecame clean and beautiful, a new skin came without rashes.

Nina, 27 years:

Dermatitis. Programs used: "Drainage" + "Neurodermatitis" in “DETA-AP” device. The result: all rash and itching stopped within a week.

Radion Ochkas, Enakievo 4.5 years.

Diathesis. The diagnose of diathesis was determined when the child was three months. He was treated in different clinics for about three years. Many methods were used without a result. Much expenses but the situation was not improving. By the 3rd year the whole body of the boy was covered with eczema. The child was continuously kept on a drip. While being tested bye bio-resonance therapy device “DETA-PROFESSIONAL” many of parasites such as: giardia, roundworm, stafilokkoki, streptokkoki, Siberian fluke was found in the boy’s body. The off products of the parasites caused severe intoxication of the body. The boy was in dangerous condition. The usage of the bio-resonance therapy device “DETA-AP”  became effective and the improvement became evident just after the 20 th session. On the second months of the treatment the condition of the child became good and within a year of the treatment (including breaks between courses) the boy became completely HEALTHY!





Nicholas, 73, and Nina '72:

The doctors diagnosed genitourinary cancer + knee pain, heartburn. It was hurt to go to the toilet and it was permanently with blood. I did not agree for a surgery. In a half a year, I heard about DETA devices. I went for a diagnostic to know how many sessions were needed to cure my problem. The diagnose showed that the cancer was caused by a parasite called "schistosome". Just in two weeks I felt a great relief, there was no blood, and toilet proceeded practically painless. And I also felt relieved when eating, because I had always had heartburn. I do not have it now.

My wife in some sessions of the treatment by “DETA-RITM” device got relieved from the back pain. She started sleep well. The pancreas began to work better. Her hand which after trauma did not up high now works well!

Many thanks! Thank you that you have taught us a lot about the health, thank you for your help, thank you for that, thanks to you, we saved a lot of money. It was not only our pleasure to be treated by devices DETA, but also to communicate with you and learn new things! We wish you all the best!

Valentine, 56 years old.

Psariaz. The first photo was taken in March 2011. Next photo in 2 months in May 2011 after the application of devices, parasitic (DETA-AP) and treating (DETA-RITM) in turn. Finally a nightmare of the infinitely painful life ended, when the whole world is not nice and there was only pain pain in the head and body, and tears ... Regards, Andreeva.



 Anatoly, 42 years:

 Arthritis-arthrosis of the right knee and ankle joints Iambic.

"I was treated in different hospitals and was getting consultancy of many specialist. One of them was a famous private clinic by "Metchnikoff "in Dnepropetrovsk. The treatment by means of numerous pills, injections, hormones (given weight gain 20 kg), redone mud baths, physical treatments blockade in the joints, massage, shock wave therapy did not give any result. Because of the hormones I gained extra 20 kg. weight. I continuously consumed Analgesic.

 After I heard about devices “DETA” I decided to try the newest method! After 2 sessions I feI lt the relieve. I gaved up the costly painkillers. I slimmed for 4 kg. without any problem.

I feel much better now and appreciate this method. I continue to use the devices and waiting for the complete recovery!

Valery, 32 years:

Weeping eczema in the hand.The used programs on “DETA-AP” device: "Drainage", "Active Protection", "Deep cleaning", "Eczema", "Detoxification of the liver," "Worms," "Staphylococcus-streptococcal infection," "Echinococcus", "Peptostreptokokk." The results are on the photo. Thanks you!




initiation of treatment 01/20/2009

second session 01/31/2009

third session 06/02/2009

Lubov, 58:

Inflammation of the hands with the bleeding wounds, psoriasis, numbness of the left hand. The results of diagnostic by “Deta-Professional” device: Mikozis, actinomycetes, trematodes, schistosomes, ureaplasma.

After the first session of the treatment by “DETA-AP” the inflammation reduced and the burning sensation in hands became less.After the second session the burning sensation stopped and the wounds healed.

After 14 sessions, I was re-diagnosed. Only less active schistosomes were found in my body.  In one month treatment I became rid of all parasites in my body. Now I m completely healthy! Thank you!




(after 2 weeks of the treatment) 





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