1) Can the ‘DETA’ frequencies be dangerous?

2) How long does a typical session last?

3) How long do I need to use it?

4) Is a Deta device all I need to fight disease?

1) Can the ‘DETA’ frequencies be dangerous?

No. The device has no side effect. It is recommended to use not more then 7 programs without stop. If you use antiparasitic programs you should use it every third day to prevent intoxication of the body by "die off".

Similarly, people have been using “Rife” frequency type machines for over 70 years. Many seriously ill people have used them. Royal Rife himself found that the volunteers he treated who had cancer, fared better when they used the machine every 2nd or 3rd day, instead of daily. The reason? He believed that this allowed the body to eliminate the toxins produced by the ‘die off’ of the micro-organisms he was zapping. The rule for Rife was: go slow. 

2) How long does a typical session last?

Rife  believed that the body needed time to process the resulting toxins and dead microbes.

In Deta device every program has its timing. It varies from 6 min till 1 and a half hour.

3) How long do I need to use a DETA device?

It is individully. Depends on some factors like the disease and it's stage. In some cases just 5-6 sessions are enought. Some serious diseases like Gepatitis C take 180 days using of both devices daily.

4) Is a Deta-devices all I need to fight disease?

Almost yes. Deta-AP may support the body to disable harmful bacteria, parasites, fungus, and viruses. And Deta-Ritm can help to restore the damaged organs and systems. My experience has shown that those who combine this technology with other healthy supplements, exercise, and healthy eating and living see better results.

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