Bioresonance therapy is understood is one of forms of alternative medicine. Originally developed in the late 1970’s, bioresonance therapy was marketed under the name of MORA-Therapy. To some degree, the essential tenets and practices of the bioresonance method can be traced back to alternative therapies that date back to the early 20th century.

The working theory behind bioresonance therapy has to do with understanding the cells of the body as being resonance receptors. As such, the cells of the body have a corresponding emission of natural resonance. When the natural flow of this energy is disrupted in some manner, physical and emotional illnesses take place. Bioresonance therapy is viewed as a way to restore the natural energy flow and balance of the cells in the body.

Bioresonance therapy has sometimes been compared to the methods developed by Richard Voll in 1958. Electroacupuncture according to Voll would employ the use of electrical current to isolate and treat energy imbalances in the body, effectively using electricity in a manner similar to acupuncture needles to connect with the energy channels identified in that form of alternative healing.



The first scientist who has made an enormous contribution to the theory and practical use of high-frequency effects in the treatment of various diseases was Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971).

Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant scientist who developed the technology that is still used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation. He received 14 major awards and honors for his work, as well as an honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg. Due to Rife's ability to pioneer new technology, by 1920, he had built the world's first virus microscope. Later he constructed the complex Universal Microscope, made up of 5,682 parts. Royal Raymond Rife became the first human to literally see a virus. Until recently, the Rife's Universal Microscope was the only one, which was able to view live viruses.


After many attempts using his powerful microscope, Rife finally isolated and identified what he called the human cancer virus, and named it BX (Bacillus X) virus. He then cultured the virus and injected it into lab animals, which created cancer tumors in all 400 of them. Later he was able to eliminate the cancer by using a device he created. This irradiate device emitted a frequency of electro-magnetic energy thereby causing the cancer virus to self-destruct when within that energy field. Later he used a device that involved direct contact.

On November 20, 1931, forty-four of the nation's most respected medical authorities honored Royal Rife with a banquet called "The End to All Diseases" at the Pasadena estate of Dr. Milbank Johnson.

In 1934, the University of Southern California sponsored a Special Medical Research Committee to bring 16 terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife's San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. The Committee consisted of doctors and pathologists who were to examine the patients - if alive - in 90 days. After the 90 days of treatment, the Committee concluded that 14 of these patients had been completely cured. The treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 2 patients were also cured within the following 4 weeks. After 130 days, every patient in the study had recovered without any side effects.

Rife focused on refining his method of destroying viruses. He used the same principle to kill them, which made them visible - resonance. By increasing the intensity of a frequency which resonated naturally with these microbes, Rife increased their natural oscillations until they distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. Rife called this frequency the mortal oscillatory rate, or MOR. Importantly noted is the fact that MOR did not harm the surrounding tissues.

To better understand this principle, think about how a wine glass can be shattered by an intense musical note, while other breakables near the glass are not affected. Every material has a natural frequency at which it vibrates, called a resonant frequency. If you put energy into the substance at its resonant frequency, you will force it to vibrate or resonate. Some singers can sing a note equal to the natural resonant frequency of the wine glass and cause it to shatter. Since everything else has a different resonant frequency, nothing but the glass is destroyed. (Resonance has even caused bridges to collapse. Marching troops of soldiers will often break cadence when crossing a bridge to prevent a resonance collapse.)

Why Suppressed?

What Became of Rife and His Cure for Cancer?

Sadly, by 1939, most of the distinguished doctors and scientists photographed honoring Rife at the estate of Dr. Milbank Johnson, denied that they ever met Rife! This was due to medical politics and pressure from the pharmaceutical industry, to put it mildly. Historically, medical visionaries have been persecuted and ridiculed for challenging the orthodox medical views of their day. For example, Louis Pasteur was criticized for years for his theory that germs could cause disease, Morton for promoting the "absurd" idea of anesthesia and Harvey for his theory of the circulation of blood.

First, arsonists burned the Burnett Lab in New Jersey, which was validating Rife's work. Later, on the eve of a press conference to announce the results of the 1934 study, Dr. Milbank Johnson, former president of the southern California AMA, was fatally poisoned and his papers "lost".

Also, after a failed attempt by Morris Fishbein to buy the rights to Rife's machine for the medical drug industry, Rife's labs were destroyed by arson and sabotage. Dr. Nemes, who had duplicated some of the work of Rife, was killed in a mysterious fire that destroyed all his research papers. These and other incidents lead Rife to stop his research.

It took many years for Rife's colleagues to secretly reconstruct enough of his burned and stolen research work to make effective Rife instruments again available to the public.

In 1950 a man by the name of John Crane met Roy Rife. Their partnership resulted in the further development and improvement of Rife's microscope and frequency instruments. By 1954, Rife's description of the cancer cure was copyrighted under Crane's urging. However, neither had the resources that were available to Rife in the 1930's. So, building a high-powered Ray Tube was impossible. Crane believed that a much smaller Frequency Instrument that attached to the body could be just as supportive. This direct method in fact was shown to be useful and more convenient. By 1960, Crane wrote and copyrighted a manual explaining how this Frequency Instrument was to be used.

Inevitably, John Crane faced the same opposition and persecution that Royal Rife did in trying to bring a cure for cancer to the general public. Although Crane lacked the skills needed to bring Rife's discoveries and inventions into mainstream acceptance and utilization, he enabled the Rife story to be told. (For a more in-depth discussion, you can refer to the book 'The Cancer Cure That Worked!' written by Barry Lynes.)

In our time, a group of Russian scientists led by Sergey Konoplyov developed a series of medical devices «DETA», through which many diseases can be successfully diagnosed and treated on the basis of the rezonansnosno-frequency therapy method (See Products page). 
















According to traditional medicine and pharmaceutical companies, horrible diseases such as: 

- Hepatitis B, 

- Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis, 

- Genital Herpes, 

- Diabetus,

- Epstein - Barr virus, 

- Asthma (all causes) and many more, 

 are impossible to cure.

There IS a technology capable of curing all of those with over an 85% success rate and with no associated side effects at all. The technology has been tested in 48 clinics in the Russian Federation. There are over 160 clinical study reports. 


He also developed a method of treatment based on the resonance effects using the specific frequencies that cause the death of the virus ("MOR" or mortal oscillatory rate). The surrounding tissue remained at the same time not damaged. 

NEW RESEARCH FINDINGS show that all diseases
have simple explanations and cures once their true
cause is known.











Hulda Clark's book "The Cure for All Diseases" describes the causes of
both common and extraordinary diseases and gives
specific instructions for their cure.

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