Releases from narcotic dependence, restores blood circulation of a brain and correct work of the central nervous system that promotes restoration of physical and mental functions.


 Morning - “Active protection” [1]

 9am - “1st phase of drug cancellation” - [3]

 11am - “2nd phase of drug cancellation” - [4]

 1 pm - “Life energy” - [8]

 7pm - 9pm - “Liver detox” - [7]

 9pm - 11pm - "Antistress" - [6]


 "Antipain" - [2] If necessary, at any time of day, observing an interval between programs.

 "Antidrug"- [5] If necessary, at any time.

  "Withdrawal pain removal" - [10] If necessary,  repeat the program after 30 minutes


 "Non-medicinal soporific" - [9] If dream deprivation occurs, apply before sleep, instead of the program [6]

 The interval between application of programs should not be less than an hour unless additional instructions are provided!

 The limit per day is no more than 6 programs ('Body detox'' can be an  exception and may be used as the 7th program)



 [1]. Active protection

 [2]. Antipain.

 [3]. 1st phase of drug cancellation”. (Mode A)

 [4]. 1st phase of drug cancellation”. (Mode B)

 [5]. Antidrug.

 [6]. Antistress. (Non-medicinal energizer)

 [7]. Liver detox.

 [8]. Life energy

 [9]. Non-medicinal soporific

 [10]. Withdrawal pain removal





 1. Pregnancy

 2. Acute decompensated heart failure.

 3. Pulmonary fibrosis with a disposition to hemorrhages

 4. Myocardial infarction dating to at least two months old

 5. Presence of an implanted organ

 6. Congenital defects of the central nervous system

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